Title - The Power of Choice - superimposed over a sign pointing in opposite directions

Have You Ever Felt Helpless?

Have you been there, overwhelmed, feeling as though the circumstances of your life are beyond your control? Your dreams, goals and life’s trajectory have all been turned around, upside-down and moved just beyond your reach? It’s that feeling of the rug being pulled out from under you, the free fall, trying to catch a hold onto what you once had, yet it’s all suddenly gone. It’s frightening.

If you’ve walked down the road of divorceRead more »

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If you’re anything like me, you appreciate that the written word is a magical thing. From the youngest of ages, I recall being pleasure of being read to, subsequently growing into an avid reader myself. With a a bookseller for an uncle and voracious readers as parents, it was inevitable that I would come to raise the next generation with this same sentiment.

A photographed collection of children's book covers relating to separation and divorce. The table is entirely covered by these books.

A good book takes you in, offering security, fostering the imagination, providing a sense of connection. Today, in honour of Family Literacy Day, I have curated a list of the some of the (in my opinion) best children’s books about divorce that are currently available on the market. Read more »

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Post Title: A Year of Conquering Fear, overlayed upon sparkler.

There’s something invigorating about the year’s beginning. Everywhere we glance there is another article about new year’s resolutions or reflections on the past year’s accomplishments. Mid-way into January, the daylight hours are incrementally beginning to lengthen. Despite the frosty cold outside, we begin to think of the warmer days to come, not too far off; subconsciously we begin mapping out the months ahead.

Recently I heard the ideaRead more »

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With summer around the corner and school about to let out, families everywhere are putting the finishing touches on summer travel plans. Whether headed for the beach, cross country to visit family or on a sightseeing trip, family travel is a time to build lasting memories and shared experiences. These trips are a time to write stories that families will fondly recall for years afterward.

Are you a newly single parent wondering how to get back into the travel game?

Travel plans can belong to single parents too, with just a little forethought and planning. I’ve jam packed this post with tips and tricks to make travelling solo as economical and frazzle free as possible!Read more »

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Title superimposed over confused cartoon man

Decades ago, getting divorced meant navigating a life event that was the exception from the norm. The divorcing individual was seen as traversing a unique path and breaking new ground. In contrast, today we are fortunate that when someone is going through the process there are others who have come before who have turned their experiences into resources for those who would come next. There are now social services, government supported resources, advocacy groups and educational initiatives dedicated to families in transition.

That said, each experience of divorce is unique and for most, the experience can feel akin to one who is walking into the darkness without a road-map or a light. The road is vast and intimidating. As with the fresh diagnosis of an illness, someone who is experiencing divorce is looking for answers, resources and information in an arena where they have no experience until they’re thrown head-first into crisis control.

Once a marriage has reached its functional end, there are questions that arise:

  • How does one initiate a divorce?
  • In what length of time will the divorce be finalized?
  • How will property be divided?
  • What is going to happen with the children?

Before plunging into the process, there are a number of recommended steps to take. Jot down all the concerns and questions you have. Clarify your starting point so that you can move forward strategically in your divorce. What questions do you need answered? What are your priorities? Mapping out your concerns will show you what information you need to find and from which various professionals you will need to seek expert opinions and advice.Read more »

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Lighthouse over water and blue sky - How a divorce coach can help you find direction

Before getting married you had dreams of a future with your loved one standing by your side. Together, you excitedly set the date, picking out the hall, colours, flowers and band. Every last detail was picked over, considered and finally decided upon.

Then life happened. The wedding celebrations came and went. Day by day your future brought triumphs and struggles. Children came, bringing with them joy, laughter and sleepless nights. Careers evolved, accompanied by accomplishments and occasional pivots. Difficulties arose, grew, and then the came most difficult challenge of all – separation and divorce.

Sometimes separations are planned; a mutually felt and agreed upon next step as a relationship dissolves. At others a spouse is sideswiped, the recipient of unwanted information and unforeseen circumstances.

How do you plan for a divorce?

I can help.

Read more »

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