Managing Mothers Day as a Single Mom

Title - Managing Mothers Day as a Single Mom

Dear Single Mom,

This year for Mothers Day I’d like to give you a simple gift. You might not receive many, as you are celebrating this holiday on your own. But I’d like for you to receive at least the one. This post is my gift to you.

Mothers Day isn’t an easy day for the single mom. There is no husband, no partner by your side to remind your kids of the significance of this day. No one to quiet them in the early hours of the morning, helping them to prepare a special breakfast while you rest. There is no one getting them ready for the day. There are no cards coming, no well wishes or declarations of adoration.

This day is simply an ordinary day.

Mothers Day is on you, just like all the other days when you fly solo.

You begin the day, preparing breakfast for the kids. Perhaps it’s a day of board games or playing Frisbee in the park. Perhaps you’ll share a Mothers Day dinner with others before heading back home to your solo routine.

On any other day you might not stop to think of it and yet today you do. You are reminded that your family looks different. The dreams you once close have since been neatly tucked away. You are reminded of the raw pain of past experiences while for another year running, you are walking this path alone.

This day too, is one more where you demonstrate your dedication to your children.

Perhaps in past years there was someone by your side, someone who explained that mamas deserve to be celebrated every day. And you do, oh you do. I am celebrating with you today, cheering you on. Whether someone is reminding them or not, may I remind you. You are cherished. Your devotion to your children is not unnoticed. As you brush their hair and talk through their day to day challenges, wipe their tears and celebrate their successes, you are the mother that they need.

Yes, there is beauty in the single mom’s Mothers Day.

Every moment is an opportunity to create new memories. Every year another chance.

When you home is ringing with the music of little giggles, allow yourself to be the one to explain the meaning of the day. Make the crafts with the kids. Encourage them to make you cards, promising to display them on the fridge. You can be the one to make the special breakfast, knowing that one day it’ll be their turn.

This is a day for family. This is a day for every family. Yours too.

Step up and crate those memories, whether it’s a picnic in your local park or a trip to the zoo. Treat today as a day to remember for all the right reasons.

Notice the gifts that are your children. Notice the gift you are to them. Love one another. Encourage them to be the free spirits that they are.

As children grow they remember the times we spend together with them. This Mothers Day, let go of the comparisons and revel in the family that you are.

This Mothers Day remember that no one else can do the life-changing work you do.

Wishing all the mothers out there, the happiest of Mothers Days.

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