The Beginning of a Journey
It can be an intimidating word. Paradoxically divorce often brings feelings of finality at the same time as endless questions are swimming before the mind’s eye. The future stands before you. You’ve put in months and years to creating a home you had hoped would last long into life’s horizons. You’ve built memories, raised children, invested time and energy and now it’s time to bid these years adieu.
You pack your emotional suitcase, discerning which valuables you’ll want to take on the road with you and which you’ll leave behind. It’s been awhile since you traveled solo, no other adult along for the ride. You choose one item, fold it neatly, carefully, preserving it for future use. Another you’re unsure of – it goes in ‘just in case.’ A smaller pile, those sentimental items you’d held dear that hold no immediate purpose sits lonely upon the bed.
The children’s bags lie in a row by the door, ready to go – their dearest memories enmeshed within, not nearly so neatly packed as your own. The children took to the task of packing with reluctance, unsure of where the journey would take them. You assure them of green grass and rolling hills and that a grand adventure awaits them, though in the deepest confines of your heart you work to squelch uncertainty. Their bags are packed; for now that’s sufficient. You show them the map once more and they whisper amongst themselves before leaving the room.
You glance again at the paper itinerary upon which you’ve jotted down for the first few stops on your trip. You’ve left room for flexibility; opportunity to reroute. You look around the room. So many years, hopes, dreams. You’ve always felt more comfortable with travel plans once you’re on the road.
You zip the suitcase closed, and set it at the front with all the children’s wares.
The house is clean, ready to go. One last time you tuck the children in and say goodnight to the older ones. Early to bed, early to rise. It’s a big day tomorrow. Goodnight.
A new day dawns with sunlight streaming in the windows. A light breeze leaves the airy fabric dancing as the birds sing their morning glory. The children creep in for one last cuddle in the big bed. You all finally rise. Cheerios at the the breakfast table as you’ve always done. Just beyond the kitchen the suitcases lay in view.
Shoes are tied, car packed, door locked, seatbelts buckled, and slowly you roll the car back down the drive. A familiar neighbourhood rolls past, houses and parks you’ve passed hundreds of times. It’s time for something new.
Finality and future float before you. Divorce is an intimidating word, though now that you’ve hit the road and the children chatter in the backseat some of the knots in your stomach disperse.
What seemed the end gives way to the beginning of a journey.
What encouragement would you give to someone just heading out upon their journey? Please comment below.
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